DANIEL, N. V. S. ; SANTOS, N. E. ; Gobatto CA ; HOFFMANN, L. M. ; ESTEVES, A. M. ; Beli T . Nutritional Strategies of an Athlete with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus during a 217-Km Ultramarathon. Wilderness & environmental medicine, v. 33, p. online, 2022.
STIELER, E. ; COSTA, V. T. ; CRUZ, A. A. S. ; LOBO, I. L. B. ; NOCE, F. ; ESTEVES, A. M. ; DE MELLO, M. T. or MELLO, M.T. ; SILVA, A . Training load, stress, recovery, mood, and motivation of athletes with spinal cord injury in wheelchair rugby during a competitive preseason. Motriz, v. 28, p. e10220006821, 2022.
STIELER, E. ; COSTA, V. T. ; CRUZ, A. A. S. ; ROSA, J. P. P. ; LOBO, I. L. B. ; ROMAO, J. ; Esteves, A.M. ; DE MELLO, M. T. or MELLO, M.T. ; SILVA, A. . Total Testosterone and Cortisol During Wheelchair Rugby Training in Athletes With Cervical Spinal Cord Injury. Journal Of Sport Rehabilitation, v. online, p. 1-6, 2022.
DAUBIAN-NOSE, P. ; FRANCO, B. ; FANTE, T. ; FORTE, L. D. M. ; Manchado-Gobatto F ; BEZERRA, R. ; MANCONI, M. ; Torsoni AS ; Esteves, A M . Iron supplementation and exercise during pregnancy: effects on behavior and the dopaminergic system. Biological Trace Element Research (online), v. online, p. online, 2022.
FRANCO B, MOTA DS, DAUBIAN-NOSÉ P, RODRIGUES NA, SIMINO LAP, DE FANTE T, BEZERRA RMN, MANCHADO GOBATTO FB, MANCONI M, TORSONI AS, ESTEVES AM. Iron deficiency in pregnancy: Influence on sleep, behavior, and molecular markers of adult male offspring. J Neurosci Res. 2021
ESTEVES, A. M.; PANCOTTO, H. ; SANZ-MILONE, V. Aspectos Psicobiológicos e o Atleta Paralímpico. In: Andressa Silva; Marco Tulio de Mello. (Org.). Esporte Paralímpico - da organização ao alto rendimento. 1ed.São Paulo: Editora dos Editores, 2021, v. 1, p. 1-409.
SANZ-MILONE, V; NARCISO, FV; SILVA, A; Misuta M; de Mello, MT; ESTEVES, A. M. Sleep of Wheelchair Rugby Athletes: Training, Rest and Competition. International journal of sports medicine, v. 42, p. 169-174, 2021.
PANCOTTO, H; TOME, CA; ESTEVES, AM. Influence of swimming on sleep and quality of life of people with visual impairments. Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte, v. 27, p. 177-181, 2021.
VALLE, MCPR; VIEIRA, IA; FINO, LC; GALLINA, DA; ESTEVES, AM; CUNHA, DT; CABRAL, L; BENATTI, FB; MAROSTICA JR, MR; BATISTA, AG; SANTOS, R; PASTORE, GM; SARTORATTO, A; SIVIERI, K; TIZIOTO, PC; COUTINHO, LL; MORAES, AA. Immune status, well-being and gut microbiota in military supplemented with synbiotic ice cream and submitted to field training: a randomised clinical trial. British journal of nutrition, v. online, p. 1-31, 2021.
VERAS, A; SANTOS, T; MARTINS, I; SOUZA, C; AMARAL, C; FRANCO, B; HOLANDA, A. S; ESTEVES, AM; MILANSKI, M; Torsoni AS; SOUZA, LMI; TORSONI, M. Low dose Coconut Oil Supplementation Induces Hypothalamic Inflammation, Behavioral Dysfunction and Metabolic Damage in Healthy Mice. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, v. online, p. 2000943, 2021.
GOMES, MA; NARCISO, FV; DE MELLO, MT; ESTEVES, AM. Identifying electronic-sport athletes? sleep-wake cycle characteristics. Chronobiology international (ONLINE), v. online, p. online, 2021.
SANZ-MILONE, V; UMEBARA, PYC; ESTEVES, AM. Sleep quality of professional e-Sports athletes (Counter Strike: Global Offensive). International Journal of Esports - IJESPORTS, v. 1, p. 1-10, 2021.
MARTELLI, ME; JACOB, N; ABDA, M; CUNHA, DT; CORONA, L; CAPITANI, C; ESTEVES, AM. Taste sensitivity throughout age and the relationship with the sleep quality. Sleep Science (Online), v. 13, p. 31-36, 2020.
MOTA, DS; SANTOS, NE; SILVA, CO; SARON, A; RODRIGUES, RC; Fuentes-Rojas M; ESTEVES, AM. Perfil antropométrico, qualidade do sono e ansiedade em atletas de futsal com síndrome de Down no período competitivo. Revista brasileira de futsal e futebol, v. 12, p. 406-419, 2020.
ABDA, M; FRANCO, B; HOLANDA, AS; MANCONI, M; Torsoni AS; ESTEVES, AM. PTPRD is as a candidate druggable target for therapies for Restless Legs Syndrome?. Journal of Sleep Research, v. 30, p. e13216, 2020.
FRANCO, B; CAVALLARO, L; MOTA, DS; RODRIGUES, N; Manchado-Gobatto F; BEZERRA, R; ESTEVES, AM. Differences in dietary iron during pregnancy influence the physical performance of male offspring. EINSTEIN (SAO PAULO), v. 18, p. 1-7, 2020.
MELLO, MT; SILVA, A; GUERREIRO, RC; SILVA, FR; ESTEVES, AM; POYARES, D; PIOVEZAN, R; TREPCOW, E; STARLING, M; ANDERSEN, ML; TUFIK, S. Sleep and COVID-19 - Considerations about immunity, pathophysiology and treatment. Sleep Science (Online), v. online, p. online, 2020.
FRANCO, B; MORAES, MA; HOLANDA, ASS; MANCONI, M; De-Melo, MT; ESTEVES, AM. Impact of Covid-19 on the restless legs syndrome. Sleep Science (Online), v. ., p. ., 2020.
FACUNDO, LA; ALBUQUERQUE, MR; ESTEVES, AM; DRILLER, MW; DE MELLO, MT; SILVA, A. Cross-Cultural Adaptation of the Brazilian Version of The Athlete Sleep Behavior Questionnaire. Sleep Science (Online), v. online, p. online, 2020.
PANCOTTO, H; NASCIMENTO, A; ESTEVES, AM. Extension and restriction of sleep time in the physical performance of athletes with visual and intellectual disabilities: new possibilities. Brazilian Journal of Motor Behavior, v. 13, p. 104-112, 2019.
FRANCO, B; NOSE, PD; DE MELLO, MT; ESTEVES, AM. Exercise as a favorable non-pharmacologic treatment to Sleep-Related Movement Disorders: a review. Sleep Science (Online), v. 11, p. 116-121, 2019.
SANTOS NE, COELHO CAS, MORAIS MA, FRANCO BS, ESTEVES AM. Exercise and Pharmacological Treatment: Influence on locomotor activity in SHR rats. Brasilian Journal of Motor Behavior, v. 13, p. 23-31, 2019.
MESSIAS LHD, FERRARI HG, PESQUERO JB, MILANSKI M, ESTEVES AM, FUENTES-ROJAS M, REGINATO A, MALAVAZI-PIZA KC, MANCHADO-GOBATTO F. Can the elite slalom kayaker's performance be correlated with anthropometric, nutritional, genetic, psychological as sleep traits?. Motriz : Revista de Educação Física (Online), 2018.
PEREIRA MN, ROMANO CGP, ESTEVES AM. Descrição e comparação do perfil nutricional e do sono de pessoas com deficiência física atletas e sedentários. Cadernos de Educação, Tecnologia e Sociedade, v. 11, p. 186-194, 2018.
CRUZ IS, FRANCO B, ESTEVES AM. Qualidade do sono, cronotipo e desempenho em corredores de rua. Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte, v. 23, p. 483-487, 2017
ESTEVES AM, LOPES C, FRANK MK, ARIDA RM, FRUSSA-FILHO R, TUFIK S, DE MELLO MT. Can physical exercise have a protective effect in an animal model of sleep-related movement disorder?. Brain Research, v.1639, p.47 - 57, 2016.
FRANK MK, MELLO MT, LEE KS, DAUBIAN-NOSE P, TUFIK S, ESTEVES AM. Sleep-related movement disorder symptoms in SHR are attenuated by physical exercise and an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor. Physiology & Behavior, v.154, p.161 - 168, 2016.
LIRA FS, ESTEVES AM, PIMENTEL GD, ROSA NETO JC, FRANK MK, MARIANO MO, BUDNI J,QUEVEDO J, SANTOS RVT, MELLO MT. Sleep pattern and locomotor activity are impaired by doxorubicin in non-tumor-bearing rats. Sleep Science (Online). , v.9, p.232 - 235, 2016.
SOUZA HS, ALVES ES, ORTEGA LSA, MELLO AS, ESTEVES AM, SCHWINGEL PA, VITAL R, ROCHA EA, RODRIGUES B, LIRA FS, TUFIK S, DE MELLO MT. Incremental exercise test for the evaluation of peak oxygen consumption in paralympic swimmers: case studies. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness (Testo stampato). v.56, p.368 - 375, 2016.
SIVIERO RB, BRAGA GF, ESTEVES AM. A influência do cronotipo e da qualidade do sono na frequência de treinamento na academia. Revista Brasileira de Atividade Física e Saúde, v.20, p.262 - 269, 2015.
RUIZ F, SOUZA JC, NARCISO FV, ESTEVES AM, SOARES-JUNIOR RC, BARRETO A, RASO V, TUFIK S, DE MELLO,MT. Accident Risk Factors among Brazilian Shift-Working Truck Drivers. Health Science Journal,, v.9, p.13, 2015.
ANTUNES BMM, LIRA FS, PIMENTEL GD, ROSA NETO JC, ESTEVES AM, OYAMA LM, SOUZA CT, GONCALVES CL, STRECK EL, RODRIGUES B, SANTOS RV, DE MELLO MT. Hypothalamic energy metabolism is impaired by doxorubicin independently of inflammation in non-tumour-bearing rats. Cell Biochemistry and Function, v.16, p.n/a - n/a, 2015.
ESTEVES AM, MELLO AS, BARRETO A, CAVAGNOLLI D, ORTEGA LSA, PARSONS A, TUBIBA ER, BARRETO M, OLIVEIRA FILHO CW, TUFIK S, DE MELLO MT. Avaliação da qualidade de vida e sono de atletas paralímpicos brasileiros. Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte (Impresso), v.21, p.53 - 56, 2015.
CAVAGNOLLI D, ESTEVES AM, ACKEL-D'ELIA C, MAEDA MY, FARIA AP, TUFIK S, DE MELLO MT. Aerobic exercise does not change C-reactive protein levels in non-obese patients with obstructive sleep apnea. European Journal of Sport Science (Print), v.14, p.142 - 147, 2014.
MARIANO MO, ESTEVES AM, FRANK MK, CAPERUTO LC, MANCONI M, TUFIK S, DE MELLO MT. Changes in motor behavior during pregnancy in rats: the basis for a possible animal model of restless legs syndrome. Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia (Impresso), v.36, p.436 - 441, 2014.
NARCISO F, TEIXEIRA CW, SILVA LOE, KOYAMA RG, ESTEVES AM, CARVALHO ANS, TUFIK S, DE MELLO MT. Maquinistas ferroviários: trabalho em turnos e repercussões na saúde. Revista Brasileira de Saúde Ocupacional, v.39, p.198 - 209, 2014.
DAUBIAN P, FRANK MK, ESTEVES AM. Sleep disorders: A review of the interface between restless legs syndrome and iron metabolism. Sleep Science (Online), v.online, p.1 - 4, 2014.
ESTEVES AM, ACKEL-D'ELIA C, TUFIK S, DE MELLO MT. Sleep patterns and acute physical exercise: the effects of gender, sleep disturbances, type and time of physical exercise. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness (Testo stampato), v.54, p.809 - 815, 2014.
ALMEIDA WAO, ESTEVES AM, ALMEIDA-JÚNIOR CL, LEE KS, FRANK MK, MARIANO MO, FRUSSA-FILHO R, TUFIK S, DE MELLO MT. The effects of long-term dopaminergic treatment on locomotor behavior in rats. Sleep Science (Online), v.online, p.1 - 6, 2014.
SQUARCINI CFR, ESTEVES AM. Cronobiologia e Inclusão Educacional de Pessoas Cegas: do biológico ao social. Revista Brasileira de Educação Especial, v.19, p.519 - 530, 2013.
NARCISO FV, ESTEVES AM, SILVA LOE, BITTENCOURT LRA, SILVA RS, PIRES MLN, TUFIK S, DE MELLO MT. Do Circadian Preferences Influence the Sleep Patterns of Night Shift Drivers?. Medical Principles and Practice, p.online, 2013.
CAVAGNOLLI D, ESTEVES AM, CASTIGLIONE MLV, BATISTA IR, BRESSAN RA, TUFIK S, DE MELLO MT. Dopamine Transporter Shown by SPECT in Patients with Periodic Leg Movement after Acute Physical Exercise. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, v.45, p.224 - 229, 2013.
SQUARCINI CFR, PIRES MLN, LOPES C, ESTEVES AM, BENEDITO-SILVA AA, CORNELISSEN-GUILLAUME G, MATARAZZO C, GARCIA D, DA SILVA MSP, TUFIK S, DE MELLO MT. Free-running circadian rhythms of muscle strength, reaction time, and body temperature in totally blind people. European Journal of Applied Physiology (Print), v.113, p.157 - 165, 2013.
BOSCOLO RA, ESTEVES AM, SANTANA MG, VIANA VA, GRASSMAN V, TUFIK S, DE MELLO MT. Is there an association between body composition, basal metabolic rate, and sleep in elderly patients with and without obstructive sleep apnea?. Sleep Science (Impresso), v.6, p.129 - 134, 2013.
ESTEVES AM, LOPES C, FRUSSA-FILHO R, FRANK MK, CAVAGNOLLI D, ARIDA RM, TUFIK S, DE MELLO MT. Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats: Possible Animal Model of Sleep-Related Movement Disorders. Journal of Motor Behavior, v.45, p.487 - 493, 2013.
FERNANDES JUNIOR SA, ANTONIETTI LS, SABA A, FARIA AP, ESTEVES AM, TUFIK S, DE MELLO MT. The impact of shift work on Brazilian train drivers with different chronotypes. A comparative analysis through objective and subjective criteria. Medical Principles and Practice, v.jan, p.2 - 7, 2013.
ESTEVES AM, SQUARCINI CFR, LANCELOTI CLP, TUFIK S, DE MELLO MT. Characteristics of muscle fibers in rats with limb movements during sleep after spinal cord injury. European Neurology, v.67, p.107 - 115, 2012.
LOPES C, ESTEVES AM, FRUSSA-FILHO R, TUFIK S, DE MELLO MT. Evaluation of Periodic Limb Movements in a Putative Animal Model of Restless Leg Syndrome. Movement Disorders, v.27, p.413 - 420, 2012.
SILVA LOE, ESTEVES AM, LUZ N, CARVALHO ANS, NARCISO FV, BITTENCOURT LRA, TUFIK S, DE MELLO MT. Mood, sleep patterns and the effect of physical activity on the life quality of Brazilian train operators. Sleep Science (Impresso), v.5, p.113 - 119, 2012.
KOYAMA RG, ESTEVES AM, SILVA LOE, LIRA FS, BITTENCOURT LRA, TUFIK S, DE MELLO MT. Prevalence of and risk factors for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in Brazilian railroad workers. Sleep Medicine (Amsterdam. Print), v.13, p.1028 - 1032, 2012.
VIANA VA, ESTEVES AM, BOSCOLO RA, GRASSMANN V, SANTANA MG, TUFIK S, DE MELLO MT. The effects of a session of resistance training on sleep patterns in the elderly. European Journal of Applied Physiology (Print), v.112, p.2403 - 2408, 2012.
FRANK MK, ESTEVES AM, LOPES C, CAVAGNOLLI D, TUFIK S, DE MELLO MT. The Effects of Physical Exercise on the Serum Iron Profile in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats. Biological Trace Element Research, v.145, p.222 - 224, 2012.
LIRA FS, PIMENTEL GD, SANTOS RVT, OYAMA LM, DAMASO AR, OLLER DO NASCIMENTO CM, BOSCOLO RA, MARQUES VG, SANTANA MG, ESTEVES AM, TUFIK S, DE MELLO MT. Exercise training improves sleep and metabolic profile in elderly people in a timedependent manner. Lipids in health and disease, v.6, p.1 - 6, 2011.
ESTEVES AM, SILVA AAB, TUFIK S, DE MELLO MT. Impact of aerobic physical exercise on Restless Legs Syndrome. Sleep Science (Impresso), v.4, p.45 - 48, 2011.
REIS FM, ESTEVES AM, TUFIK S, DE MELLO MT. Plasma iron levels appraised 15 days after spinal cord injury in a limb movement animal model.. Spinal Cord, v.49, p.361 - 364, 2011.
LOPES C, ESTEVES AM, TUFIK S, DE MELLO MT. Periodic leg movement disorder in a patient with Myasthenia Gravis: A case study. Current Trends in Neurology, v.4, p.87 - 88, 2010.
CAVAGNOLLI D, ESTEVES AM, FARIA AP, ROSSI MV, BITTENCOURT LRA, TUFIK S, DE MELLO MT. The Influence of Intensity of Exercise over Periodical Leg Movement (PLM) and Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS). Sleep Science (Impresso), v.3, p.87 - 92, 2010.
ESTEVES AM, DE MELLO MT, PRADELLA-HALLINAN M, TUFIK S. Effect of Acute and Chronic Physical Exercise on Patients with Periodic Leg Movements. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, v.41, p.237 - 242, 2009.
PIRES MLN, WESTIN CT, ESTEVES AM, SILVA RS, SANTOS RF, TUFIK S, DE MELLO MT. Sleep, ageing and night work. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (Impresso), v.42, p.839 - 843, 2009.
DE MELLO MT, BITTENCOURT LRA, CUNHA R, ESTEVES AM, TUFIK S. Sleep and Transit in Brazil: New Legislation. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, v.5, p.164 - 166, 2009.
DE MELLO MT, ESTEVES AM, PIRES MLN, SANTOS D, BITTENCOURT LRA, SILVA RS, TUFIK S. Relationship between Brazilian airline pilot errors and time of day. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (Impresso), v.41, p.1129 - 1131, 2008.
LOPES C, ESTEVES AM, BITTENCOURT LRA, TUFIK S, DE MELLO MT. Relationship between the quality of life and the severity of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (Impresso), v.41, p.908 - 913, 2008.
PAIM SL, PIRES MLN, BITTENCOURT LRA, SILVA RS, SANTOS RVT, ESTEVES AM, BARRETO A, TUFIK S, DE MELLO MT. Sleep Complaints and Polysomnographic Findings: A Study of Nuclear Power Plant Shift Workers. Chronobiology International, v.25, p.321 - 331, 2008.
ESTEVES AM, PEDRAZZOLI M, BAGNATO M, MOREIRA F, DE MELLO MT, TUFIK S. Two pedigrees with restless legs syndrome in Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (Impresso), v.41, p.106 - 109, 2008.
ESTEVES AM, DE MELLO MT, SQUARCINI CFR, COMPARONI A, LANCELLOTTI CLP, TUFIK S. Sleep patterns over 15-day period in rats with spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord, v.45, p.360 - 366, 2007
DE MELLO MT, BOSCOLO RA, ESTEVES AM, TUFIK S. O Exercicio Físico e os Aspectos Psicobiológicos. Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte (Impresso), v.11, p.203 - 207, 2005.
DE MELLO MT, ESTEVES AM, TUFIK S. Comparison between dopaminergic agents and physical exercise as treatment for periodic limb movements in patients with spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord, v.40, p.646 - 649, 2002.
ESTEVES AM, DE MELLO MT, LANCELLOTTI CLP, NATAL CL, TUFIK S. Occurrence of limb movement during sleep in rats with spinal cord injury. Brain Research, v.1017, p.32 - 38, 2004.
DE MELLO MT, ESTEVES AM, COMPARONI A, SILVA AAB, TUFIK S. Avaliação do padrão e das queixas relativas ao sono, cronotipo e adaptação ao fuso horário dos atletas brasileiros participantes da paraolimpíada em Sidney - 2000. Revista Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte (Impresso), v.8, p.122 - 128, 2002.
DE MELLO MT, SILVA AC, ESTEVES AM, TUFIK S. Reduction of periodic leg movement in individuals with paraplegia following aerobic physical exercise. Spinal Cord, v.40, p.646 - 649, 2002.